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Global humanities

socialstudies klein1Unverbindliche Übung English Social Studies

Without Memory
There is no Culture
Without Memory
There would be no Civilization,
No Society, no Future (Elie Wiesel)

We are very happy that we could start our Unverbindliche Übung "English Social Studies" with our Oberstufenschüler_innen on Wednesday. In this Unverbindliche Übung we would like to explore the concept of global humanities and look at human populations that have histories of exclusion and marginalization.

The course provides an opportunity for students to study human catastrophes, in general, and the Holocaust, in particular. We would like to explore how our personal family histories and identities shape our worldviews and systems of values. Our stories, family (hi)stories, beliefs, values, … shape the way we see the world, the way we react, the way we look at others. Our identity influences how we approach the world. And this is our starting point. In our first and second session we will work with “identity boxes”.  This is a project that helps us to honor the personal history that each of us brings to our work. For this activity, all participants bring “artifacts,” or objects from their life that in some way reflect their cultural, ethnic and religious heritage or other dimensions of what is important to their sense of identity to class and create identity boxes. Our work in these boxes is what you can see in the pictures. Additionally - in our first session - we had the chance to visit a talk by Dr. Heinz Fischer our former president at the University of Innsbruck. Some of us were lucky enough to get some pictures after the talk about the history of Austrian presidency and the duties connected to this job. 

Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity (Dany Gokey)

(ulsn, 16. Oktober 2016)

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